CNMS Scholars Program
The CNMS Scholars Program at UMBC is a selective undergraduate initiative designed to support talented individuals interested in the advancement of women students in the sciences. This prestigious program is being sponsored by the College of Natural and Mathematical Sciences (CNMS) at UMBC to provide comprehensive support to students pursuing majors where women are still underrepresented, specifically: mathematics, statistics, physics, chemistry, biochemistry, and bioinformatics/computational biology. The program will connect high-potential students to a community of designated faculty mentors and a myriad of campus support services in an effort to facilitate their academic success in these rigorous majors. CNMS Scholarships are for one year and could be renewable annually for up to two additional years, in accordance with funding availability and meeting program requirements as defined in an award agreement.
The application process includes uploading an application letter to the selection committee with an essay that covers three topics, as well as the submission of academic transcripts and a resume.
All applicants to the CNMS Scholars Program must have and maintain:
- Status as a full-time student at UMBC
- A minimum UMBC cumulative 3.0 grade point average
- Declared major in one of the following STEM disciplines: mathematics, statistics, physics, chemistry, biochemistry, and bioinformatics/computational biology
- Demonstrated interest and commitment to the advancement of women in the identified STEM disciplines
- Compliance with all requirements and expectations of the CNMS Scholars Program
- Good-standing status throughout the University
If you have any questions about this program, please contact Dr. Maria Cambraia at
The application deadline was extended to May 5.
- Award
- $2,000
- Deadline
- 05/30/2025
- Supplemental Questions
- Please provide your full name
- Please provide your date of birth
- Please provide your permanent address
- Are you considering or have you accepted a scholarship opportunity at UMBC or other group (for example, the Meyerhoff Scholarship Program or Gates Millennium Scholars)?
- If you have accepted a scholarship opportunity at UMBC or other group, please indicate the name of the opportunity below.
- Please list your intended or current major
- Please upload a copy of your application letter below. The file should be named "CNMS Scholars Application Letter_Your Last Name", and should be uploaded as a Microsoft Word file (.doc, .docx) or PDF (.pdf). The letter should be 500 WORDS OR LESS, and address the following topics: 1. Your commitment to the advancement of women in the rigorous disciplines where they are underrepresented: mathematics, statistics, physics, chemistry, biochemistry, and bioinformatics/computational biology. 2. Your dedication to academic pursuits - which is key to being an excellent candidate for the prestigious CNMS Scholars Program of faculty mentoring and networking opportunities.3. Your willingness to support other CNMS Scholars, both personally and academically, to persist and be successful in their academic majors.
- Please upload a copy of your resume below. The resume should be in a Microsoft Word (.doc, .docx) or PDF format (.pdf), and should be titled "Your Last Name_Resume". The University's Career Center website offers an overview and tips for creating an effective resume that is available at the following site:
- Do you authorize the CNMS Scholars Program personnel to access your official transcripts for the application review process?
- By typing my name below, which is equivalent to a signature, I pledge that all information given on this application is true to the best of my knowledge.
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