As a member of the University Innovation Alliance (UIA), UMBC is committed to your success as a transfer student. The mission of the UIA STARS Program is to support and promote the success of Black, Male, STEM Transfer students. The UIA STARS program is open to incoming transfer students of all backgrounds who plan to pursue a degree in science, technology or engineering and who are interested in the advancement of Black, male, transfer students in those fields. The cohort-based program provides high-impact academic enrichment opportunities (seminars, mentoring, tutoring, etc.) that encourage scholars to maximize their honors university experience while making timely progress to degree completion.

UIA STARS Scholarship Program recipients will receive a $1,000 scholarship ($500 per semester) for their first year at UMBC. To be considered for the UIA STARS Scholarship Program you must complete the application in Scholarship Retriever and participate in the following required program activities:

Transfer Seminar (Math) (TRS) Course: All UIA STARS Program members MUST register for a special section of TRS 201 (Section 18 – Class Number 4256) during the Fall 2023 semester. TRS 201 is a one-credit course designed for transfer students in their first year at UMBC to assist students in achieving academic success. Additionally, the course will provide students with resources to help connect to the greater campus community and provide support throughout their UMBC experience. This course will meet on Mondays from 1:00pm – 2:15pm. When creating your fall schedule please make sure to let your advisor know and they will help you build this course into your schedule. You will already have permission to enroll.

Welcome Reception: All UIA STARS will be required to attend the welcome event during the first week of the Fall 2023 semester as an opportunity to meet other UIA STEM Scholars and to get to know the UMBC community.

Join the Transfer Engagement and Achievement Mentorship (TEAM) Program: UIA STARS are required to become a member of the T.E.A.M program. The T.E.A.M program is open to students of all backgrounds who are committed to increasing the persistence and retention of Black Male transfer students at UMBC. T.E.A.M emphasizes mentorship, increasing the awareness of transfer-specific resources and creating an environment in which students can have fun, discuss important topics and find academic and social success. https://ocss.umbc.edu/get-connected/transfers/t-e-a-m/

Anticipated Total

Anticipated total amount over the full term of this award.


Supplemental Questions
  1. How will you support and contribute to the mission of the UIA STARS Program to support and promote the success of Black, Male, STEM Transfer students. Please explain why this mission is important.
  2. Please provide a brief statement explaining how you would benefit from the UIA STARS Program opportunity.
  3. Please tell us what are your career aspirations?
  4. Will you be employed during the semester?
  5. Please provide the Math course you are registered for and/or planning to enroll for the semester.