UMBC Academic Success Center Support Award

The UMBC Academic Success Center Support Award provides a one-semester financial incentive to students repeating a course for the second time after a previous unsuccessful course attempt. This is a pilot project at UMBC to study the effectiveness of incentivizing UMBC Academic Success Center support (tutoring, SI PASS, academic skills meetings) for students who earned a D/F/W/U in MATH 151 at UMBC in the past year. Resources for the Academic Success Center Support Award are aimed at helping current UMBC students succeed in the second attempt of the course and will support UMBC tuition/fees only. Funding is limited and is contingent on students actively participating in at least 8 academic support visits throughout the semester in which the student is enrolled in MATH 151. Students will also complete a pre and post assessment to help the Academic Success Center determine the effectiveness of this support.

To be eligible for the UMBC Academic Success Center Support Award, applicants must meet the following criteria:
• Currently enrolled as an undergraduate student at UMBC.
• Currently enrolled in MATH 151 at UMBC in the second attempt at the course.
• Have earned a grade of D/F/W/U in MATH 151 in the previous term at UMBC.
• Agree to participate in the pilot project, including completing all the following project requirements:

Complete a pre and post assessment online
Attend and actively engage in any combination of at least 8 UMBC Academic Success Center support program visits for MATH 151 this semester:

1. Tutoring (by drop-in or appointment)
2. SI PASS (Supplemental Instruction, Peer Assisted Study Sessions)
3. Academic Skills Meeting (support for time management, study skills and campus resources)

These ASC programs typically last 50 minutes and are widely available at multiple times throughout each week of the semester.

Supplemental Questions
  1. Please describe your educational situation during the previous semester when you were unsuccessful in MATH 151. How do you believe participating in this program may support your second attempt in MATH 151?
  2. I acknowledge that I must be currently enrolled as an undergraduate student at UMBC.
  3. I acknowledge that I am enrolled in MATH 151 at UMBC in my second attempt, after having earned a D/F/W in a previous attempt of MATH 151 at UMBC.
  4. I acknowledge that I will actively participate in all of the program requirements, including completing a pre and post assessment, attending and actively participating in at least 8 Academic Success Center visits (tutoring, SI PASS, academic skills meeting) during this semester.