Cyber Scholars Program

Open for Incoming Fall 2024 Freshmen, Transfers and Current UMBC Students
Freshmen Deadline – 1/15/2024
Transfers & Current Student Deadline – 3/1/2024

UMBC’s Cyber Scholars Program is geared towards preparing the next generation of cybersecurity professionals in an increasingly digital age. The program was launched through a generous grant from the Northrop Grumman Foundation and in partnership with the Center for Women in Technology (CWIT).

Cyber, invites all students to apply for an opportunity to become a scholar and receive:

  • Mentor ship from faculty to help scholars customize their academic schedules and find internship and research opportunities;
  • Complete technically focused cybersecurity courses in addition to courses in the computing sciences;
  • At least one targeted cybersecurity internship at a local company or government organization
  • Conduct original research within their field;
  • Priority acceptance to live in the CWIT Living Learning Community housing quarters;
  • A Cyber Scholar scholarship and more!

For more information, visit: Cyber Scholars Program

Fall 2024 Freshmen: Please note if you are selected as a finalist, then you will be invited to attend a Scholar Selection Day on Saturday, February 24. During this program, you will participate in an interview and have a chance to meet other finalists. Please be sure to save this date in your calendar.

$5,000 - $22,000
Supplemental Questions
  1. List your intended major(s) at UMBC. Describe your short term and long term educational and career goals.
  2. Describe your past and current experiences and/or interests related: 1) to computing, cybersecurity, or related areas and 2) Leadership and/or meaningful involvement.
  3. The part of the Cyber Scholars Program mission is to encourage the participation and leadership of women and other underrepresented groups in computing and engineering. Describe the ways your beliefs and experiences align with this mission. (Tell us your story!)
  4. Why are you interested in becoming a Cyber Scholar and in what specific ways could you contribute to the community? How did you hear about the Cyber Scholars Program?
  5. Honors College: Indicate if you are interested in also applying to the Honors College.
  6. Provide two (2) Recommendation Letters (Optional)
    • List the name & e-mail of a STEM Teacher or Academic Counselor.
    • List the name & e-mail of a STEM Teacher or Academic Counselor.
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