Money Smart Week Bingo Scholarship

Scholarship applicants must be currently enrolled at UMBC in a graduate or undergraduate program of study.

Scholarships will be awarded for the fall 2023 semester at UMBC and are not transferable to other institutions. If the recipient is graduating before fall semester, they may request the scholarship for the spring 2023 semester.

Applicants may apply for multiple MSW scholarships but will be limited to receipt of only one scholarship.

Supplemental Questions
  1. Attend at least one Money Smart Week Event. Respond to the following prompt, as it relates to one of the sessions you attended.
    • Explore a concept introduced to you during Money Smart Week. How will you implement the concepts from this session? Include any immediate implementation as well as how you can use the knowledge over the course of your lifetime.
    • What additional information would enhance your ability to make a plan for your personal financial future?